Our constitution
1. Objectives
1.1 The objectives of DATS are:
- To provide a supportive network for professionals in the British Isles and Republic of Ireland who are working
- with specialist collections of dress and textiles
- for museums, galleries, archives and historic houses that include these materials and
- those whose work involves collections-based research.
- To encourage sharing knowledge, information, skills and resources
- To promote the use of professional standards in curatorship within dress and textile collections
- To encourage and develop expertise, research and scholarship
- To enable those working with relevant collections to develop and use them for the benefit of the public
2. Membership
2.1 Membership of DATS is open to all people in the British Isles and Republic of Ireland who are working with
- specialist collections of dress and textiles
- for museums, galleries, archives and historic houses that include these materials and
- those whose work involves collections-based research.
2.2 Membership may be individual, institutional or honorary (to be awarded at the discretion of the committee).
2.3 There is an annual membership subscription. The fee is to be set at a rate that will not preclude the membership of junior colleagues.
3 Officers And Committee
3.1 The Committee of DATS will consist of the following officers: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Web and Social Media Editor. The term of office will be 3 years with an option of 2 additional years.
3.2 The Committee will also include regional representatives to cover the following areas: London, East, Wales & West, Central, Northern, Scotland and Ireland (to include Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland), as well as Conservation.
3.3 There are four committee meetings a year all of which are attended by the officers and conference organisers and two of which are attended by the full committee. Minutes are taken at all the meetings and are circulated to the full committee.
3.4 Additional committee members may be co-opted at the discretion of the Committee, as needed.
4 Elections
4.1 The election of Committee and Officers will take place by nomination and ballot of the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
5 Activities
5.1 The group will organise one Annual General Meeting and Conference with speakers from a range of disciplines on topics relevant to members but with an emphasis on training and raising professional standards.
5.2 Regional Representatives are empowered to convene groups of local members.
5.3 Two on-line newsletters per year are published, one to include a synopsis of the conference papers.
5.4 An email group is maintained in order to communicate with members and promote an exchange of queries and ideas.
5.5 A website and appropriate social media accounts are maintained to promote the exchange of information and resources, to raise the profile of the profession and to reach new audiences.